Recent content by phph001

  1. P

    Broken HS 720E

    Which arm? How much damage? Try your luck with this video
  2. P

    Hello from Newbie Drone Pilot in Scotland

    This is a computer data problem rather than a drone problem, so you are not really posing it on the right forum. However, if you search on the internet for "data from damaged sd card" you will find a number of leads. I can't help much further without knowing what computer you use, but I have...
  3. P

    Battery Maintenance for Public Safety Drones

    I run a Tesla, so this discussion comes up in forums at regular intervals. The general line is that the battery lasts longest if it is cycled between 25 and 75%. Storage at 100% is bad but it does no real harm if the battery is put to use shortly after a 100% charge. The question then is how...
  4. P

    Controller to tablet cable

    There may be an issue if the proposed extension cable is sold as a charging cable, when only the battery positive and negative lines run through them. If it's sold as a USB cable without any further qualification, then you should be OK.
  5. P

    TOF sensor

    You won't go to prison, but there is a penalty: "Under the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, the agency has the authority to impose fines of up to $75,000 per violation for unsafe or unauthorized drone operations. The FAA can also suspend or revoke the pilot certificates of those found in...
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    Large DIY Drones

    May I offer my congratulations? It's the way to go.
  7. P

    Sport mode height adjustable? (min 26ft)

    Looking at the manual, the minimum height in Sport mode is fixed at 4m (just over 13 feet) for safety reasons, and it drops out of Sport mode if the height drops below that. I suggest a longer string if you must fly Sport mode, but as you have just bought the drone I would recommend a short...
  8. P

    RTK Drone for corporate purchase that is NDAA compliant

    A DIY job would not cost anything like $18k. As long as you use official Arduino microprocessor boards (made in Italy), you can find a cheap thermal imager an RTK board and your choice of...
  9. P

    Remote battery replacement (AE86 pro max)

    The first task is to get inside the case. If you can see the heads of screws holding the back and front of the case together, then all you need is an appropriate screwdriver and a pot to put the screws in. If front and back are sealed together, then you have a problem. I have opened sealed...
  10. P

    HS175D transmitter or app and battery

    First, never store a fully discharged battery for any length of time. There is a story that you shouldn't store a fully charged battery either, but I am not convinced of that. A sensible compromise is to store it 70% or so charged. Keep it in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. To...
  11. P

    HS175D transmitter or app and battery

    If your batteries are swelling then they will shortly be lost. If you try to use them further they will catch fire.
  12. P

    How much weight of quadcopter required to accommodate air drop system?

    I fail to see how a hexacopter could work out cheaper than a quad and yet carry more load
  13. P

    New Member - Old Guy Needs Help

    I found the term "AiDrone" on a web page for professional machines but I'm not sure that yours is one of those. Possibly a trademark copyright has been infringed, and yours is the victim. On your controller numbers 5-8 and 10-13 are joystick trimmers. For...
  14. P

    How much weight of quadcopter required to accommodate air drop system?

    I'm not sure that you have thought this one all the way through, so let us set the scene. You have bought a drone and are attaching this gadget. What thoughts do you have on the security and safety of your attaching procedure? What are the dimensions of your payload and could they be a problem?
  15. P

    Questions About Creating a Better Anemometer

    Let us look at this more critically. A hand-held anemometer will give a reading at a moment in time and at a single position near the ground. That's it. It is useful when deciding whether to launch or not, but It does not predict a future gust and it most certainly is not going to tell you what...