Holy Stone HS 720E SD card issue

I'm not that smart on how to do it with my Iphone SE. Use a card reader that fits my phone slot I would guess. Worth a try, can't get any worse. Thanks.
I have the 64 GB SanDisk card.I just put it in the drone and did not have to format it at all
HS 720E
Hello, I recently picked up a HS720E and it doesn't seem to record to the SD card. I am going round and round with their customer service but the problem hasn't been resolved as of yet. Also my controller reads out height and distance in meter's while I have it set to feet. My phone and IPad reads out in feet. just not the controller. It flies well, just having problems recording to the SD card. I'm in Albuquerque so if anyone's close maybe we can get together to fly.
Make sure the card is not locked.
I had the same problem using a class 10 128GB SD card I bought at the same time as the drone. It did not format it when I tried. I was however able to successfully store photos and videos on 32GB and 4GB cards so maybe it doesn't really support 128GB? I didn't have a problem using the card on my computer and even created the WiFi-FPV\(PHOTO,VIDEO) file structure.
Yes, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere also, of others having similar issues using too large of a sd card. Seems like 32 or 64 were the largest that worked....as I recall. Don
Screwing around some more, I found I was able to insert the 128GB card in my phone and format it there. Then it became usable with with the drone. So it sounded like you were using a computer to do your formatting Budgar , so you might try using your phone instead.
Experienced 107 drone pilot here. Fly the Typhoon H Plus and EVO... I picked up a HS720e for my grandson to fly. Good flyer and I am impressed with this little drone. Can't get it to recognize the SD card Class10 U3 from one of my rigs. iPhone X user so no external SD card port that I know of. (perhaps I should remove the case and see) Anyone else figure a work around? I've formatted the card in my laptop to both exfat and Fat32 with no luck. Also unable to format from the app with the drone. Any info is good info. Thanks!
I know this is old, but I tried like 15 different SD cars of all different sizes. As long as I format in the drone from your cell phone screen they all worked fine. It's a tiny icon on the right that looks like a mini sd card tap it then popup says format card. Worked every time.
On my HS600 I have 25 different SD cards, some are small 4gb up to the new 128 gb I bought from Bj's on sale all of them worked no issues at all after I formated in the drone from the cell phone screen, just click the little barely able to see sd card and it will say card needs format. Let it do its thing all is well.
Hello, I recently picked up a HS720E and it doesn't seem to record to the SD card. I am going round and round with their customer service but the problem hasn't been resolved as of yet. Also my controller reads out height and distance in meter's while I have it set to feet. My phone and IPad reads out in feet. just not the controller. It flies well, just having problems recording to the SD card. I'm in Albuquerque so if anyone's close maybe we can get together to fly.
I had the same identical problem, with the app not recogbising the existence of the SD card and not reporting its size.. For me, the solution was another SD Card from a different manufacturer, and everything worked perfectly. All cards were class 10, but Holy Stone seems sensitive to the exact manufacturer. All the cards I tried worked perfetly elsewhare, it was only the HS720E that had problems with some of them.
Been in my 720E for a couple of years - works perfectly, never needed re-formatting
I even keep a few windows batch files on it to add/correct exif data before transferring to my PC.

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