Recent content by RoadKing

  1. RoadKing

    Getting into FPV

    Yes. Get a decent radio like a Taranis X9D $200. That will probably be the last radio you’ll ever need. You can instead get a Taranis Q7X which is about $100 USD. Also a good radio with only slightly less options. A good simulator is Velocidrone $20. Download it online. Don’t get discouraged...
  2. RoadKing

    FPV Practice

    If you're getting into FPV you know it can be challenging to start flying freestyle and have it look smooth and interesting. Just flying around a field (that's me) is one thing, but actually doing real moves is another. I found a video that has helped me learn the mechanics of various moves...
  3. RoadKing

    Quadcopter not getting full power from transmitter?

    I’m assuming that the motors are spinning when you arm the quad, just very slowly. In Betaflight there is also a limit you can put on throttle. Is it possible you have that set very low?
  4. RoadKing

    Banggood - what's been your experience?

    Guess I was just the unlucky one. :confused:
  5. RoadKing

    Banggood - what's been your experience?

    I ordered a quad from Banggood on August 4th. only to find out 3 days ago that it wasn't coming. They said it was being held in customs and they did provide a refund. There are certain quads and other FPV gear that you can only find on their site, and their prices are good, but this was my...
  6. RoadKing

    Brands in the Giveaway.

    The Eachine Cinecan looks like it would be a fun little machine if you’re into FPV. A little under $200.
  7. RoadKing

    Drones for Video

    Nice flying. It may sound crazy but I actually prefer crashing over getting stuck in a tree. And trying to find it when it’s lost is the worst.
  8. RoadKing

    my drone

    I have a Phantom 4 I use for commercial work. It has served me well for over 3 years and takes great photos and video. I also have an Emax Tinyhawk, a Tinyhawk Freestyle and a GEPRC Toothpick (on the way). Those are for fun flying freestyle with goggles. They take abuse and can easily be...
  9. RoadKing

    Free Inspire 1*

    Sorry to hear that. I’m sure your brother felt worse.
  10. RoadKing

    best beginner drone

    I think it depends on what type of flying you want to do. If you want nice relaxed, easy to fly with a camera for photos, then a DJI Phantom or Mavic is what I'd recommend. If you want to try getting into FPV freestyle or racing, then a Emax Tinyhawk. Very durable and can take multiple...
  11. RoadKing

    More FPV Practice today

    My poor little quad. She has two broken legs. :mad: Guess I need more practice.
  12. RoadKing

    More FPV Practice today

    Today I practiced coming out of a flip with a roll. I try to come up with a new move every couple of days. So far I have rolls down pretty good, both ways, and flips are ok too. Another day of flip to roll and I should have that. Not sure what moves will come next. (turn down the volume if you...
  13. RoadKing

    Practiced my FPV freestyle today

    Getting the hang of it. My new Tinyhawk Freestyle quad. Today's practice was flips and rolls. Fun day.
  14. RoadKing

    Another addition to my fleet.

    It's the Emax Tinyhawk Freestyle. What a flyer! I love this little thing. I'll post a video of my first crash. ?
  15. RoadKing

    LiPo Battery charging

    If you have a quad, transmitter or any other device that came with a charger (like a DJI product) you should use it for charging that device. However, in the FPV world you'd typically buy batteries and have to also get a charger. Charging LiPo's requires that you know what size battery you...