I,m so ignorant when it comes to computer cable ends. My wife & I have so many cables for different devices in my
Home it drive my crazy. But here is my question. My Potensic atom came with 3 different cables for use with different
Types of cell phones. Fine I have a apple cell phone that I believe the end that plugs in to my phone is a UBS end. It is
Just a small male end, which I believe is UBS Right???? If I,m correct what would the connection on the end of the cable
that plugs in to the controller be called? Please help clear this up for me.
Home it drive my crazy. But here is my question. My Potensic atom came with 3 different cables for use with different
Types of cell phones. Fine I have a apple cell phone that I believe the end that plugs in to my phone is a UBS end. It is
Just a small male end, which I believe is UBS Right???? If I,m correct what would the connection on the end of the cable
that plugs in to the controller be called? Please help clear this up for me.