Just arrived from China.
Advertised on Facebook.
Ordered: 7/10/2019
Arrived: 7/31/2019 (today)
To be continued..... now
7/31/2019 9:42 pm Eastern Standard Time.
If you look at the photo above, you will see 4 prop guards, one at the end of each prop. There are made of cheap plastic, and press on to the bottom of each prop... from the bottom :0|
I wonder how long these are going to stay on?
Not long, as you can see from the second picture posted, one has already fallen off.
The next item of concern is the battery.
Ships with one., takes a little over an hour to charge.
Shown in the second picture posted, in front of the drone that is missing a prop guard :0(
Very small. :0|
I wonder how long the flight time will be?
Not long, roughly six minutes
To be continued..... 8/1/2019
Well I start off removing the 3 remaining prop guards, in order to maintain a balanced drone during flight.
Battery is fully charged, controller is charged.... lets see how it fly's!
I can't seem to get it to hover in one place :0|
I can fine tune it in so that it holds still/hovers for 10 seconds or so, after which it strays off course while accelerating rapidly :0(
Resetting gyro's to factory settings.
Problem remains :0(
OK, time to take a break and come back to this in a bit when I have a charged battery to work with :0|
To be continued.... 8/2/2019
Well, well it seems that "clackey" is 100% correct.
DRONE X PRO is nothing more then a marketing marvel that SUCKS in stupid people like myself to buy OLD outdated technologies, sold under a new name... at an inflated price!
lol, I have too laugh at my STUPIDITY!
eh... what are ya gonna do!
Oh yeah, I still can't get the drone to hover in one spot :0|
I feel like Harry Potter trying to catch the little ball in the sky every time I fly this thing
There might be more to come, I am going out to attempt to get it to sit still in the sky.........
Wish me luck!
All I can say is... if I could get it to stay in one spot for any length of time it would be a great little drone!
Sure am glad I have this to play with when I want too!

I have had the DRONE X PRO/ E58 drone for a couple of days now, and have started to appreciate what this drone can do when it is in the air....... lol, everything but stay in one place. I also think that the more I fly it the better my understanding will be so that I will make less BONE HEAD mistakes!
I find the flight time has increased with my ability to keep it out of the bushes, trees and neighbors hair.
Some where in the neighborhood of 10 minutes, give or take.
That is a beautiful thing when compared to what I reported earlier, (6 minutes).
Oh, I named her Lucille!

More to come....
Be aware, if you are OLD like me your eyesight might not be what it was..... So I have to pay really close attention to the drone when flying over 40ft or so feet away from me. If not I have absolutely no idea what the little bugger's flight path will be :0|
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