Hey guys,
Crashed my hs 720 and am considering a upgrade. Can anyone tell me if the HS 720e or HS 720g is better?
Crashed my hs 720 and am considering a upgrade. Can anyone tell me if the HS 720e or HS 720g is better?
@punisher7delta Have a look at this site Difference Between Holy Stone HS720 and HS720E [HS105]What's the upgrades from the 720nto the 720e
I’m very pleased with my 720e I have limited flight time but so far so good. Only issue I really have is stability in winds.Hey guys,
Crashed my hs 720 and am considering an upgrade. Can anyone tell me if the HS 720e or HS 720g is better?
@Americanbulldogbully So am I. I have a bit of a problem with my 720E, it seems to disconnect from the transmitter. I noticed this after the transmitter started a continues beeping and the drone appeared to have turned itself off. I am going to take it to the park in a really wide open space and test it. luckily It was not flying, just sat on the ground whilst I formatted a card and set the flying options in the Ophelia Go app.I’m very new to drones, so I don’t have the answers for you. I was very busy watching out that the drone didn’t get away from me.
Should you do that every time you fly?Did you put your phone in Airplane mode?
Yes you should. I've also found with my HS720G after calibration get it in the air and let it hover for 30 seconds or so it seems to stabilize it.Should you do that every time you fly?