Holysotne HS720E controller not connecting with drone


Dec 30, 2020
Reaction score
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Hello pilots,
My holystone HS720E controller and drone not talking. After turning controller and drone on, compass calibration done, lights on drone are solid and drone sigh form controlle is gone, when I try to press red lock button to start propeller on, it keep beeping and drone not responding. Also my cell phone can connect with holystone wifi, but on the app it appears red and message read, not connected.
Any help will be appreciated.
I *think* - It's to do with satalites
I've had "delayed" launches too. But only noticed it with recent verion of phone app.
Just a theory:-
Drone connected to both hand controller and phone with latest Ophelia Go app version. All preflight checks done. You press the engine start button and nothing happens. I noticed I only had links with 4 or 5 sstalites. I wait and when I get 10 hook ups, I press start and it starts.

My theory is, Ophelia is checking you have sufficient satalites to safely navigate before allowing engine start.

Just a thought.
I *think* - It's to do with satalites
I've had "delayed" launches too. But only noticed it with recent verion of phone app.
Just a theory:-
Drone connected to both hand controller and phone with latest Ophelia Go app version. All preflight checks done. You press the engine start button and nothing happens. I noticed I only had links with 4 or 5 sstalites. I wait and when I get 10 hook ups, I press start and it starts.

My theory is, Ophelia is checking you have sufficient satalites to safely navigate before allowing engine start.

Just a thought.
I *think* - It's to do with satalites
I've had "delayed" launches too. But only noticed it with recent verion of phone app.
Just a theory:-
Drone connected to both hand controller and phone with latest Ophelia Go app version. All preflight checks done. You press the engine start button and nothing happens. I noticed I only had links with 4 or 5 sstalites. I wait and when I get 10 hook ups, I press start and it starts.

My theory is, Ophelia is checking you have sufficient satalites to safely navigate before allowing engine start.

Just a thought.
When I checked no of satelites, its always above 14 but still can not connect. I did calibration several times, restart several times. Get tired of it. Can not spend more money on drone now. Too many restrictions.

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