Hello all

Sep 2, 2019
Reaction score
South Carolina
This will be the everything else page? As the big names all have their own pages.

Been selling off the oddball stuff. Sold a GDU byrd 3 days ago. Have a M2P up for sale too. I have 2.

Walkera? Any thoughts? I have been looking at buying one. No longer going to keep a bunch. No room. But I am keeping two for sure. And will rotate a third as the mood hits. Interested in different drones. Does not need to be current. Just different and functional.

Any thoughts? I am open to trying new stuff out. One of the coolest I owned was an older Zerotech. A great UAV.
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This will be the everything else page? As the big names all have their own pages.

Been selling off the oddball stuff. Sold a GDU byrd 3 days ago. Have a M2P up for sale too. I have 2.

Walkera? Any thoughts? I have been looking at buying one. No longer going to keep a bunch. No room. But I am keeping two for sure. And will rotate a third as the mood hits. Interested in different drones. Does not need to be current. Just different and functional.

Any thoughts? I am open to trying new stuff out. One of the coolest I owned was an older Zerotech. A great UAV.

Why are you getting rid of the MP2?
I had 2. I bought a second to get a smart controller. I just sold the M2P with standard controller. But I love the M2P. It is my favorite drone.

Well that makes sense! Sorry didn’t read that you had two! I just picked an Autel Evo and I just love it! So awesome to fly! I’ve never flown a Mavic, they look awesome!

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