geriatric needs help needing an app for Qinux Drone K8 - I have a Samsung J36 - I have no idea which are the good apps and which are poor


Feb 19, 2023
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Pembroke Dock
74 year old geriatric needs help needing an app for Qinux Drone K8 - I have a Samsung J36 - I have no idea which are the good apps and which are poor
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Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!
Drop by the pilot’s
check-in to introduce yourself.
This question has been asked before. It's always a good idea to use the search feature in the upper right-hand corner.

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I have no idea which are the good apps and which are poor
I am in the USA and you are in the UK and you do not say what kind of Apps you need so I can be only so helpful. But to determine the projected weather conditions I use UAV Forecast and Windy.Com, both of these Apps are available FREE at both the Google and the iOS Play store. I also have Google Earth loaded to view the area ahead of time, both from a Satellite View, but also from a Street View…

I just looked up Pembroke Dock and you seem to have so many beautiful places to fly around the Milford Haven…

Here is the US, we also have Apps that show us where we can and cannot fly due to restrictions, you should also load those, Google them…

This web site might help…

Also, make sure you are flying legally as per your countries rules and laws…

Have Fun and Fly Safe…
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some beautiful beaches 5 mins drive from my house - I am looking for an app that will match my drone with my samsung galaxy smart phone
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I took the time to google your drone and it appears to be a nightmare trying to get information. I hope you bought it recently and locally and I would suggest you take it back for a full refund. I googled YouTube and it is filled with a whole lot of videos and none seemed to be helpful.

One video said the App to use the camera and set up the flight characteristics is on the android play web site but I could not find anything.

Good Luck, I am sorry that I could not be of more help. Perhaps this drone is more popular in the UK, but I could find nothing to help here in the USA.

Once again, Good Luck!
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That's two of us. I have just got the K8 and every time I try to connect the phone to the drone, it connects to the App (the one that comes with the absolutely dreadful and verging on useless user manual in abominated Chinglish) then reports no internet connection and I can't fire up the camera. I have a feeling I have been conned - I hope I'm wrong. There is a paucity of anything useful on the web about this particular drone.
I have just got the K8 and every time I try to connect the phone to the drone,
If you Google this drone, you might not find anything good to read, Also see if you can find any help on YouTube. Often, when a user finds out a secret way to make things work, they post it.

Otherwise, I would try to return it, then do your "due-diligence" and research another drone that is not posting so many problems.
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74 year old geriatric needs help needing an app for Qinux Drone K8 - I have a Samsung J36 - I have no idea which are the good apps and which are poor
the only one I have found is on the app store.. ky ufo seems to work on android
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74 year old geriatric needs help needing an app for Qinux Drone K8 - I have a Samsung J36 - I have no idea which are the good apps and which are poor
As a 77 year old geriatric I had the same problem. The correct app for the K8 is KY UFO by cooingdv in Android Play Store for the UK. In my User Maunal there is a Fractal Code to download it. When you have the app, look for FLOW**** on the list of near-by wifi systems on your "Settings - WiFi" and connect. Controls the drone and you can see what the drone sees through the controls.
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As a 77 year old geriatric I had the same problem. The correct app for the K8 is KY UFO by cooingdv in Android Play Store for the UK. In my User Maunal there is a Fractal Code to download it. When you have the app, look for FLOW**** on the list of near-by wifi systems on your "Settings - WiFi" and connect. Controls the drone and you can see what the drone sees through the controls.
Hi, I also have a Quinix K8 and the KY UFO app. I have been unable to operate the app even though I have followed the same procedure you have described above. Can you let me know which version of KY UFO you are running to make the app control the drone? Thank you
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