What was the point of your video? Not every one can afford DJI
Products. I know DJI drones control this industry, I truly wish they did not. If that was the case maybe the insane price they
Charge would come down. I was going to buy a DJI mini 2. I came very close to pulling the trigger on doing that. But at the
Last minute l chose the Potensic Atom & glad I did. I love the
Drone & the feathers it has. Do I think it is better than a mini 2
In some aria,s yes, in some others no. But I saved a ton of money, & I have most everything I wanted in a ( SO CALLED )
beginners drone. I believe in the near future drone prices will
come down with more companies enter the market. DJI needs
to have there monopoly taken out from under them & it will happen in time. JMOHOP.
