Buying advice for a drone able to go to a fixed location on a budget


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Dec 20, 2022
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I just bought a piece of land 200 meters from my current location and I'm going to build a house on it.

I want to make a time-lapse of the whole process. I want a drone to go from my current location to a fixed location and I guess it needs to be a pretty accurate one since it is a timelapse.

So basically all I need is a drone to go from point A to point B (accurate point B) every day.

My budget is $200. I don't want to spend more than that on this, I know DJI can do it, but it is pricy AF. I know Parrots can do as well, still out of reach.

My question is: is there any on-budget drone capable of doing this? The ability to store a flight path and follow it consistently?
I found Holy Stone, they have the ability to follow a path but it seems pretty basic, and relies on you tapping on a map each time. That's unfortunately a deal breaker for me.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
I want to make a time-lapse of the whole process. I want a drone to go from my current location to a fixed location and I guess it needs to be a pretty accurate one since it is a timelapse.
I wonder how you plan to do this. I fly a Mini 2 ($440 from Costco) without any additional software loaded, like Litchi, etc… Do you want the drone to fly independently to a specific location or you fly it manually, but with the drone providing some telemetry of its exact location?

The basic DJI Fly App does not provide specific GPS coordinates to the pilot during the flight. And preloading the Google Maps into the App and viewing them while maneuvering your drone into position might only get you within 50'-75' of your desired location.

If I was going to try this, I would pick a location on the ground (a tree, a post, a structure, etc…) and then using the camera pointing straight down, assume the specified position, then rise up to the required altitude and again pick a structure to point (orient the Drone with) the camera at, then lower the camera to an agreeable angle, and shot the required photographs.

How you would do this with a less expensive Drone, I do not know, but perhaps others with actual experience might chime in help solve your dilemma.

Good Luck, I know the series of photos you want to collect can look pretty cool when they are presented as a video.
$200 to get a drone to basically fly something like a waypoint mission from point A to B is going to be hard. Maybe look at Hudson drone like the Zino Mini which you might get cheap but remember if you pay peanuts you get monkeys

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