Recent content by Skydreamer

  1. S

    FiMi mini 3 camera questions

    thats not real test,take it outside and fly it for 10 min,100 yard distance, 50,60 feet high, should be fine,fimi drones are usually very good its just that the company/support sucks.
  2. S

    FIMI TX10A disappointment

    and still nothing,navi 3 is updated once a month but not the tx10a version,tx 10a is on sale again but not fimix8pro,x8pro is still not faa compliant yet they already advertising x8 pro 2025 version….they are out of their mind
  3. S

    New Guy....With Big Problems :>)

    hello!!….what domyou have for equipment?
  4. S

    Fimi (awful) experience feedback

    also i dont think they have capability to produce/make different drone models at the same time,right now x8pro and x8tele are “sold out” but you can purchase mini 3 and now new mini 3se,once they switch production back to x8tele all other drones will be set as “sold out” and so on….fimi should...
  5. S

    Fimi (awful) experience feedback

    they are liars,old x8 se got remote id,they said new x8pro was applied for remote id but year later there is still nothing,now the newest x8tele drone is out and is already remote id approved in usa…that means they lied and never applied x8pro for remote id in usa,they sold TX10A remote control...
  6. S

    Fimi X8 SE 2022 / X8Tele is RID approved!

    Fimi x8Tele is RID aproved,still nothing for X8Pro,still no video transmission fix update for TX10A……Fimi is weird,such a good drone yet they are loosing customers over stupid things,whoever is in charge sucks a**
  7. S

    Parrot Bebop 2 crash; Repair or Replace?

    i have few parrot bebop 2,anafi,dji and fimi……i would recommend not to put money in repair,get yourself Fimi Mini 3, awesome 4k video,9km range,weight below 250gram(dont need remote id in usa,dont know how is it CA),up to 30 min of flight time,way more than parrot and less chance it will drop...
  8. S

    New FIMI X8 Pro drone!

    dont do it,get ,it works great with tx10a…..navi3 was updated few days ago to support x8tele…after you update navi3 app,when you start navi3 you get white screen with x8pro and Enter Device,by placing finger on screen...
  9. S

    Potensic ATOM SE won't descend/poor altitude stability - resolved

    yeah,thats weird…..tnx for sharing
  10. S

    Fimi X8 SE 2022 / X8Tele is RID approved!

    i have x8pro so i am not sure about x8se….i think it is serial on drone….remote id numbers start with 1971F3A8511,so any numbers between 1971F3A8511300000001 and 1971F3A8511399999999 …find number on your drone go to faa. dronezone,access your account,hit Add Device and fill up registration form...
  11. S

    New fimi tx10a controller

    what did you do?btw,in my case it doesnt matter if i pair drone to tx10a or white controller,battery lights are flashing,no issues with white controller,with tx10a screen is acting up 😳
  12. S

    New fimi tx10a controller

    turn on tx10a,open Navi Assistant app,it should be set to Fimi X8 Pro drone….in upper right corner choose Fimi X8 2022 drone and press Switching……wait 10 minutes….turn on drone,follow pairing procedure,use Navi 2 app to controll drone…… i have problem with my x8pro and tx10a,screen freezes every...
  13. S

    New FIMI X8 Pro drone!

    hmm,fimi mini 3 is out,there two more drones that should come out,Fimi x8 Tele and Fimi x8 Tele Pro….no pictures yet……wonder what Tele stands for ?
  14. S

    cell phones.

    hi,screen brightness is measured in “nits”,your A7 phone has max brightness of 680 nits,ipad has brightness of 750 nits and still in strong sun you will not be able to see anything……samsung galaxy s22 ultra,s23 ultra phones have max 1750 nits,with phones like that you will not have any issues...
  15. S

    New FIMI X8 Pro drone!

    fimi x8 se 2022 rid is faa approved as of today,if you have x8se 2022 drone go to faa drone zone and register remote id