I was wondering if anyone else is using AirData.com to document their drone activity?
Was wondering if so what they think of it, and if you have done the link between AirData.com and your Drone manufacturer.
This is a link to my first flight with my Phantom 3 4K
I was wondering if anyone else is using AirData.com to document their drone activity?
Was wondering if so what they think of it, and if you have done the link between AirData.com and your Drone manufacturer.
This is a link to my first flight with my Phantom 3 4K
Oct 27th, 2019 04:23PM | General / Overview | DJI DAT log 1.14 | United States | Airdata UAV
DJI DAT app flight log from Oct 27th, 2019 04:23PM, version 1.14 on , in United States. General / Overview | Airdata UAV