Plz help


New member
Dec 24, 2023
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Hello everybody I'm new to this well not new I used to have a drone and now I'm getting back into it My main concern is now that everything's evolved with drones I would like to buy a drone my concern is be able to have full control of it in the settings meaning my last drone allowed me to adjust height settings past the 400 mark I'm a responsible flyer respect the laws I'm like to have full control of my drone if I spend money My question to you guys is what drone out there allows me to adjust height settings and and distance settings what drone do you recommend I know DJI is a leading drone manufacturer but they're always updating from what I hear and always putting a lot of red circles on the maps where some people can't even fly their drones My concern is what drone out there is fast has all the features and allows you to adjust your height settings to max altitude if I were going to hills and by chance what drone is the one that allows me to go to all the highest in the settings not that I will I just want to be able to know that I have full control my drone and I will respect the laws Any suggestion on drones and the software that will allow me to do that that they incorporate. My price range is open so that's why I want to be able to have all these options at my disposal not be limited what drone do you suggest for speed adjustable height and range I camp a lot and like to see the The hills and the planes I can't reach thank you very much.

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