Newbie with FC question


New member
Aug 3, 2024
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Hi all,

New to the hobby. I am having issues with my Speedybee F405 V3 stack.
The FC doesn't seem to work properly. ESC seems fine. My Boxer is able to bind. However, there is no indication of receiving throttle signals and such from the transmitter.
This occurs no matter if connected via BetaFlight or the Speedybee app.
I've gone thru the standard setup step like shown in a Bardwell video. Where it shows how to setup CRSF on both ends, enable telemetry, and so on.
However, I've noticed in several videos that once transmitter binds - BetaFlight shows things like throttle and switch status updating in the receiver section.
I never see that occur on mine. So I'm guessing I may have a bad FC or something. Other devices like GPS don't seem to function correctly either (no status updates).
The motor tests in BetaFlight and the Speedybee app work fine.

Is it normal for BetaFlight to NOT respond to throttle movements when the drone bind is working?

EDIT: Parts used in the drone:
  1. Speedybee F405 V3 FC & BLS50A ESC
  2. HappyModel EP1 ELRS module
  3. HGLRC M100 5883 GPS
  4. CaddxFPV Ratel 2 camera
  5. Speedybee TX800 VTX
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I found a document from another manufacturer, indicating what I suspected. When a transmitter (in this case a RadioMaster Boxer) binds, the BetaFlight UI should reflect changes as you move throttle and other sticks.
Apparently the F405 V3 has alot of issues and resource conflicts, and SpeedyBee has a V4 that supposedly fixes problems.
I'm going to assume this a bad stack, and replace it.
Also replacing the HappyModel EP1 with a RadioMaster receiver. The EP1 also seems substandard to me.

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