Log book for drone pilots?

Chicagoland drone flyer

Active member
Jul 3, 2022
Reaction score
Skokie Illinois
Killing time having coffee at my dunkin donuts, deciding if i want to go to the boat today, with the chance of storms forecast or stay home and maybe go flying a little later with the Holy Stone HS-720 I got yesterday, took pretty much all day to charge the batteries.... and was looking for an online source for drone flight briefing like for weather and conditions instead of just using apps on my phone, and saw there are drone pilot log books available..... should I have one?
Killing time having coffee at my dunkin donuts, deciding if i want to go to the boat today, with the chance of storms forecast or stay home and maybe go flying a little later with the Holy Stone HS-720 I got yesterday, took pretty much all day to charge the batteries.... and was looking for an online source for drone flight briefing like for weather and conditions instead of just using apps on my phone, and saw there are drone pilot log books available..... should I have one?
I just took an old glider logbook that I had lying around, and used it for that purpose.

But a drone-specific logbook might be desirable. Where did you see it?


Ophelia Go is my logbook. The flight record automatically logs the Date, Distance, Altitude, Latitude and Longitude. It also tells me the Total Flight Time, Total flight Mileage, and Total Number of Flights as will as the Longest Mileage, Highest Elevation and Maximum Speed. It does not record the time of each individual flight, just the total flight time.

This works for me, but I only have one drone. The Flight Log is not customizable, as far as I know there is no way to keep track of separate drones.

Check out the Aloft app on your smart phone. it gives a summary of weather conditions, wind, gusts, and visibility. I don't know much about it but I think it can be used to request FAA authorization to fly in certain restricted areas. There is also a flight log function. I don't know anything about it, but I think it is manual entry.
For weather forecasting, my go to is UAV forecast. Gives you detailed weather information and wind speeds and gusts as well as # of satellite locks and other helpful info. You can set your parameters such as altitude and maximum wind speed. It gives you all your information in an easy to read display which will tell you you're either good to fly or not. I use the free version. The paid version just gives you a longer forecast as opposed to just 24 hours.

I could not find the link. Just search for UAV forecast in your app store.

For flight and detailed aircraft information logging I use AirData UAV. It automatically syncs with my flight app and downloads everything from telemetry to battery information. Extremely detailed for the free version but is limited to the amount of flights recorded without a paid subscription. I simply record as many flights as possible and then transfer that data, clear the memory and then start over with the next set of free flights. I forget how many free flights you get but it is between 50 to 100. The paid version just allows you cloud storage as well and a little extra information on your flights and the aircraft.

There are many different airspace authorization apps. B4ufly , Airmap and a few others, but I use UA sidekick. It his hands down the best flight planning and airspace authorization application. It allows you to give extremely detailed flight planning information and also provides whether information for your planned flight location. It is a subscription-based service which you can pay monthly or every 6 months or yearly with discounts accordingly to the time blocks you choose. Again I would say, It is by far hands down the best airspace authorization and flight planning application out there.! It is used by a majority of First responders all across the nation from local police, county sheriff, State Police and fire departments as well as search and rescue. I believe it has a short free trial. For you to test it.

Hope this helps!

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