HS720G issue with flight stability and camera


Jan 24, 2023
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East TN
Purchased this drone last June. I have successfully flown the drone several times since then. After not flying for a couple of months, I wanted to fly and inspect my roof. I went through all pre-flight calibrations etc. and took off. With 14 GPS sats locked, I noticed the drone was not stable while trying to hover. It would randomly tilt left or right without any input from the controller. After realizing there were control issues, I landed the drone. Powered everything off and tried again.

This time, after successfully connecting to the drone's wi-fi, I was not getting video from the camera back to my iPhone. Obviously, something is amiss. I tried flying again without having video to see if the stability issues were resolved and they weren't. I even tried my iPad and was unable to get video.

Any thoughts or ideas on what happened?
Did u calibrate drone and gyro? I just today per customer service am using the M RC PRO app cause my Ophelio go would not allow me to use follow me mode. Mine hovers pretty good but not as good as I would like. Guess maybe difference in lower end of drone.
Hi there... I'm new to drones and only have experience with the HS720G - and I've had some issues and done a lot of research. I actually acquired 3 of these drones s/h and two of them can only sometimes be a bit unstable at the beginning. I believe its what's called "Toilet Bowling" when the GPS fix is not good and the drone starts to circle, small to begin with but can expand and get out of hand. I've discovered that turning off GPS immediately stops this and as long as the drone is low enough for the optical flow sensor to work, the drone will then be stable in place. I'll give it a few minutes and fly around a little and wait for more satellites, at least 13, then turn GPS back on, which usually makes the drone jump a little. Sometimes it can take a couple of tries, but once I'm sure it is stable with GPS on, I'll gain some height and wait till I have a few more satellites before I venture far.

I've tested turning GPS off when the drone was well away from the calibration/launch position, then turning it back on and hitting Return to Home, and it still returns to the original launch point.

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Hi there... I'm new to drones and only have experience with the HS720G - and I've had some issues and done a lot of research. I actually acquired 3 of these drones s/h and two of them can only sometimes be a bit unstable at the beginning. I believe its what's called "Toilet Bowling" when the GPS fix is not good and the drone starts to circle, small to begin with but can expand and get out of hand. I've discovered that turning off GPS immediately stops this and as long as the drone is low enough for the optical flow sensor to work, the drone will then be stable in place. I'll give it a few minutes and fly around a little and wait for more satellites, at least 13, then turn GPS back on, which usually makes the drone jump a little. Sometimes it can take a couple of tries, but once I'm sure it is stable with GPS on, I'll gain some height and wait till I have a few more satellites before I venture far.

I've tested turning GPS off when the drone was well away from the calibration/launch position, then turning it back on and hitting Return to Home, and it still returns to the original launch point.

Thanks Brian, that's good information and I will give that technique a try the next time I go out and test. Any thoughts on why I've lost the ability to see the camera from within the app?
I have had occasion when the camera feed did not show, and mostly it was because the WiFi on the phone/tablet had just dropped connection. Usually just going back into network settings and re-selecting the drone's WiFi has done the trick for me. Or the other thing is I have been so long in getting ready, the drone has turned itself off. Have you had that particular phone connected successfully before? I have read elsewhere on this forum of other people having trouble with iPhones. I've had trouble with Android phones but that has always been the phone not being compatible with the HS720G 5GHz Wifi, so I could not even see the drone's WiFi, let alone connect. The only other suggestion would be to restart the Ophelia Fly app, or even uninstall it and re-install.
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I've successfully had the camera work every time until it just stopped working in the app. It's strange. I'm going to test and see if it still actually takes pictures/video. If not, maybe the camera died.
I've successfully had the camera work every time until it just stopped working in the app. It's strange. I'm going to test and see if it still actually takes pictures/video. If not, maybe the camera died.
I tested yesterday and the camera must have died. No photos or videos were stored to the TF card.
Well that's a bummer. The cost of sending it away for repair would hardly be worth it. Unless you could find a local guy who knows about such things. Best suggestion I have is to see if you can find a damaged one on eBay that you could use for spares, or repair with bits from yours. That's how I got my 3 good ones, all repaired from one cannibalised one. I originally bought the damaged ones just to get spare batteries as they were cheaper than the cost of a new battery.
Should still be under guarantee. If you are not happy with it and want rid - why eBay at this stage. You should get all your money back from HS.

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