FIMI TX10A disappointment


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2024
Reaction score
Tennessee, USA
I have attached a link to a YouTube video I just made describing my problems with the FIMI X8 Pro when using the TX10A Remote Controller. I am not sponsored or monetized in any way. I hope this helps others make an informed decision when considering purchasing products from FIMI. Thanks

good video,you look mad,like you could travel to china to visit fimi hq….ican see ya standing in front of fimi bulding and yelling:”hey fimi,where is my money,where is my money!!” 😁
unfortunately they had lot of issues,x8pro was supposed to come out in february of 2023 and due issues with camera supplier they ended up moving schedule to september,fimi plus batterys and 4G module are not yet in production and lots of other issues….but the drone itself (fimi x8 pro)is a beast,i have nothing negative to say about it,works flawlessly with standard controller
Lol, yeah I'm very frustrated. I've pretty much decided that, when it comes to Chinese companies, I will only purchase drones from resellers with very robust in-house return policies. I certainly won't trust Fimi ever again. Fimi will never grow their market share with this type of dishonest business practices.
What was the point of your video? Not every one can afford DJI
Products. I know DJI drones control this industry, I truly wish they did not. If that was the case maybe the insane price they
Charge would come down. I was going to buy a DJI mini 2. I came very close to pulling the trigger on doing that. But at the
Last minute l chose the Potensic Atom & glad I did. I love the
Drone & the feathers it has. Do I think it is better than a mini 2
In some aria,s yes, in some others no. But I saved a ton of money, & I have most everything I wanted in a ( SO CALLED )
beginners drone. I believe in the near future drone prices will
come down with more companies enter the market. DJI needs
to have there monopoly taken out from under them & it will happen in time. JMOHOP. 🪰Fly
As I mentioned in my video, I support and encourage smaller drone companies. That's one of the reasons I bought these two FIMI X8 drones. The point of my video was to help other drone buyers make informed decisions on their purchases. As I mentioned in my video there are many things I like about the FIMI drones. However FIMI intentionally sold and is selling drones with defects. To make matters worse, they don't seem to care. Every manufacturer occasionally has a defective product slip past it's quality control process and that is totally understandable. However, intentionally unloading products they know has problems is an entirely different matter. For example FIMI's website states their X8 line of drones are legal to operate in the US. That is simply not true. In ordet to operate a drone that weighs more than 250 grams in the US, the drone must be registered with the FAA. In order to registera drone the FAA the manufacturer must obtain a Certificate of Compliance from the FAA. Anyone can go on the FAA website "Drone Zone" and check if any particular manufacturer or model drone has the required certificate. FIMI X8 drones are nowhere on that list! So right there on their website FIMI is lying. (Read BMWDRONER'S thread for many more examples of poor quality from FIMI). Even if that's not the case, why will they not honor their warranty? THAT is the point of this video. I don't want someone else to spend their hard earned money on a product that has little or no manufacturer support, is illegal to operate, and does not perform it's advertised functions. I also considered the Potensic Atom and from what I've read and seen, it is a solid platform.
and still nothing,navi 3 is updated once a month but not the tx10a version,tx 10a is on sale again but not fimix8pro,x8pro is still not faa compliant yet they already advertising x8 pro 2025 version….they are out of their mind
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I have attached a link to a YouTube video I just made describing my problems with the FIMI X8 Pro when using the TX10A Remote Controller. I am not sponsored or monetized in any way. I hope this helps others make an informed decision when considering purchasing products from FIMI. Thanks

I have an update to this post. Unfortunately it is not a positive update. One reason I bought the TX10A was because FIMI claimed that a receiver/Air Unit would be released in the near future. The "Amy" person claimed that the receiver would be available to purchase June-July 2024. I recently found out that FIMI will never produce a receiver and has discontinued the TX10A as well. I had hoped to use the TX10A and receiver in a custom build. Because FIMI lied, I had to buy a different all in one system. I ended up buying a SIYI MK32 GCS. Later I decided to make my build using other SIYI components. I bought the SIYI N7 flight controller/autopilot and SIYI A8 gimbal/camera. The build is a Tarot 680 Pro. I'm starting bench testing today.
What was the point of your video? Not every one can afford DJI
Products. I know DJI drones control this industry, I truly wish they did not. If that was the case maybe the insane price they
Charge would come down. I was going to buy a DJI mini 2. I came very close to pulling the trigger on doing that. But at the
Last minute l chose the Potensic Atom & glad I did. I love the
Drone & the feathers it has. Do I think it is better than a mini 2
In some aria,s yes, in some others no. But I saved a ton of money, & I have most everything I wanted in a ( SO CALLED )
beginners drone. I believe in the near future drone prices will
come down with more companies enter the market. DJI needs
to have there monopoly taken out from under them & it will happen in time. JMOHOP. 🪰Fly
My point was to let people know about the quality control issues and dishonest business practices of FIMI. You brought up Potensic. Potensic is a good example of how FIMI should have operated their business. Potensic WAS careful with quality control and Potensic DOES honor their warranty. FIMI could have been great. Maybe some of their other products are good, I don't know. Because of FIMI's dishonesty, I will never buy their products again. I could have been a good customer had they been a good manufacturer.

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