Cannot find or add WiFi w/ ophilia go.

I have an HS501 and encountered the same connection WIFI problems using my Galaxy Express Phone SM-J337A. However, I was able to connect using my Galaxy Tablet sm-t380. Upon looking at the specs I noticed that the tablet uses 802.11 a/b/g/n and the phone uses 802.11 b/g/n, so I needed a phone that would include 802.11 a

I found a cheap phone on Amazon, Motorola Moto E6 for $40, that uses 802.11 a/b/g/n . After hooking it up, downloading Ophelia Go, and re scanning, I was able to connect to the drone. I gave it a test and I am thrilled that it works fine (y) :D

If you need a cheap phone to attach to the controller, you may want get one as well. I paid $40 at Amazon and took the SIM out.
I have an HS501 and encountered the same connection WIFI problems using my Galaxy Express Phone SM-J337A.
The SM-J337A only supports 2.4 Ghz wifi, according to the specs. That is why it could not connect to the drone. Regardless, glad that you're up and running now.
Sending you a package huh..... When my original HS720 went rogue, crashed and took out three prop' arms Holy Stone sent me a package too..... a brand new HS720.

Let us know how you make out and - Good Luck!

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