Antenna add on,s


Active member
Dec 18, 2023
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Vian Oklahoma
I just received a new potensic Atom 3axes drone. I really like it, & like it is not a Wi-Fi controller. i had a Ruko pro before
this one, & as most know it was a wi -fi controlled. I live in a heavy wooded area, & lost that drone. Long story, but is short
the forest broke up my signal. This unit is not Wi-Fi & I hope that will help some. But have any here used on of those parabolic
antenna ad on, to help with the trees breaking up signal? I have not tried it over the woods as yet. Still kind of gun shy. But
do any here have any expeiernce with these potensic atom controllers with these antenna add ons. I know these are 2.4 ghz

This board does not get much traffic, & that is a surprise to me. It
is a very nice lay out site. I know there are so many drone owners out there that must have questions as I do. I just do
not under stand. I,m a member of so many forms of different
interest I have, but none are as slow as this form???? 🪰Fly
I just received a new potensic Atom 3axes drone. I really like it, & like it is not a Wi-Fi controller. i had a Ruko pro before
this one, & as most know it was a wi -fi controlled. I live in a heavy wooded area, & lost that drone. Long story, but is short
the forest broke up my signal. This unit is not Wi-Fi & I hope that will help some. But have any here used on of those parabolic
antenna ad on, to help with the trees breaking up signal? I have not tried it over the woods as yet. Still kind of gun shy. But
do any here have any expeiernce with these potensic atom controllers with these antenna add ons. I know these are 2.4 ghz

Slight confusion here. Both the Ruko and the Potensic remotes function in the same way, using the 2.4 GHz band to send the control signals to the drone. The camera images and other information are sent back, using the 5GHz band to a wi-fi unit within the transmitter (a little router) which connects with your phone. No control signals go to the drone via the wi-fi channel.

To the second question of the parabolic reflector, I would be very sceptical. The whole point of a parabolic reflector is to create a narrow transmission pattern, effectively increasing the signal strength at the receiver end. This makes it more critical than ever to point the transmitter towards the drone as the signal strength will drop off sharply if you don't.
Thank you for your reply But the new Potensic Atom is not Wifi
& on this model, as does the Atom SE. There is much confusion
on the net on these drones. I contacted the importer of Potensic they assured me the main control was not Wi Fi. I
connect my phone to my controller with serpate wire exsactly
as DJI mini 2 . They use the 2.4ghz . From what I have been told
also instead of 5 ghz.
Thank you for your reply But the new Potensic Atom is not Wifi
& on this model, as does the Atom SE. There is much confusion
on the net on these drones. I contacted the importer of Potensic they assured me the main control was not Wi Fi. I
connect my phone to my controller with serpate wire exsactly
as DJI mini 2 . They use the 2.4ghz . From what I have been told
also instead of 5 ghz.
That is exactly what I was telling you. Both the Potensic and your previous drone (and, incidentally, virtually every other serious drone) use 2.4GHz transmitters. You could, if you felt so inclined, pair your previous transmitter with your current drone.

In the same way, virtually every camera drone sends picture information and some drone information back on a different channel, namely in the 5GHz band. This comes back to a receiver box within the transmitter. That receiver box functions exactly like a router, which is why your drone app requires you to change your network.

Every camera drone beaming a picture to a phone is effectively on a wi-fi network (its own).
This is what I found on this drone I posted below. I,m just learner ing about this stuff, so I,m not trying to say your not correct, I,m not. I,m just posting this as to what was posted to the same question from another poster.



  • ACC1034A-4D62-4A9A-B418-851CF71CA301.jpeg
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Here is a YouTube video of a guy reviewing the Atom se, mine is
the up graded Atom 3 axes camera with 4 k. Mine is basically
the same drone but longer range 6 k. But in his review he said
it has no WI-FI and said it plugs into the phone ect, ect. Hey
I no very little about this tec stuff, I just posted this to let you
listen to what he said.

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My apologies. The Atom does indeed connect to a mobile via a wired link rather than wi-fi, and it appears to use a proprietary protocol on the 2.4 GHz band for the return transmission. Hopefully that will work for you
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Well I truly understand you thinking that. i only knew that after
hours of research videos & so on. Being I m new to this it has
been confusing to say the least. With DJI being the world leader
most everything is based around there products. I was a 100 %
going to order a mini 2 se, but some how found this Atom.

I thank you my friend for trying to help me on this.

This is what I found on this drone I posted below. I,m just learner ing about this stuff, so I,m not trying to say your not correct, I,m not. I,m just posting this as to what was posted to the same question from another poster.

So, if the controller is NOT Using Wi-fi to talk/connect to the drone, how is the connection being made??
Here is a YouTube video of a guy reviewing the Atom se, mine is
the up graded Atom 3 axes camera with 4 k. Mine is basically
the same drone but longer range 6 k. But in his review he said
it has no WI-FI and said it plugs into the phone ect, ect. Hey
I no very little about this tec stuff, I just posted this to let you
listen to what he said.

Ok, You are flying the new and improved "Atom 2". Does not make sense there is no Wi-Fi connection from the controller to the drone.....How is the controller talking to the drone, with no wi-fi? I asked this question of Microsofts Copilot AI, and received this response....
Question: Does the Potensic Atom 2 use a wi-fi connection?
Response: "Yes, the Potensic Atom 2 uses a Wi-Fi connection for video transmission and to connect with the Potensic Eve app on your mobile device. This allows you to control the drone and view live video feeds directly from your phone."

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