Recent content by watersteps

  1. W

    wires from gimbal to drone question

    Hey Guys, I beleave I put this thread in the wrong area, can anyone send it over to the Phantom section?
  2. W

    wires from gimbal to drone question

    I have just received my used Phantom 3 Pro and noticed a bump in the point where top and bottom shells go together. Since it is used I wanted to check for problems inside. I opened it up and found a small mismatch in the shells, no problem. But I found small marks on the grays wires that go from...
  3. W

    New to Drones

    I was refering to my UAS registration, thanks.
  4. W

    New to Drones

    Well hello there LoudThunder. watersteps is how we should all leave an area so in a short time after we leave no one will ever now we were there. Thanks for the info, I have my Trust cert for a year or so at this time and I just renewed it. I will have when they get here 3 used DJI Phantom 3 Pro...
  5. W

    New to Drones

    Hello All from Potter County, Pa. I am new to the drone hobby, but I am older then dirt. I was into RC Helicopters for years but got away from it. I just purchased several used DJI Phantom 3 Pro drones. One is all set up to fly, I just need to download the DJI Go app in my iPad. Well I will be...