Recent content by h-elsner

  1. h-elsner

    App for Android cellphone I don't know it it works on later Androids.
  2. h-elsner

    Blade Croma ST10+ Help

    You should consider using an SD card. Did you try to connect the drone to the GUI? This is also a good possibility for diagnosis.
  3. h-elsner

    Blade Croma ST10+ Help

    Do you have an SD-card in the slot below the battery in the ST10? If yes you can connect the ST10 to PC with a micro USB cable (for Windows the ST10 be full booted up before you plug in USB otherwise no connection is possible). If you see a file system then you have an SD card. On the card the...
  4. h-elsner

    Blade 350QX with ST10

    Yes. It is the yellow - gray - white - black type wiring. It works with ST10, ST10+, ST16 and ST24 too.
  5. h-elsner

    Blade 350QX with ST10

    Yes, this will also work. Seems Q500 and Typhoon H receiver have different item numbers, but are interchangeable. Newer SR24 have shielding cover, older not. I have both but I see no difference in range and stability. This above is a good price. br HE
  6. h-elsner

    Blade 350QX with ST10

    You need to replace the spectrum receiver by a ZigBee receiver SR24, something like in the pictures above. It is used at Blade Chroma, Yuneec Q500 and other Yuneec drones. Item number is: YUNTYH134 Yuneec shop has it but very expensive. It's worth trying to find a cheaper one... br HE
  7. h-elsner

    Blade 350QX with ST10

    Sorry for exchanged Rx/Tx wires. I have tested it only with old receiver. Old to new I have compared with the existing connection in Typhoon H. Maybe there are different versions in wiring. There are also shielded SR24 out there (H520?). To read the flight logs please use q500log2kml. As far as...
  8. h-elsner


    Hard to understand what he is looking for. What he means is a Blade 180QX HD BNF Quadrocopter (BLH7480). I found it only out of stock here in Germany. I think it is too old to get. Maybe second hand somewhere.
  9. h-elsner

    Blade 350QX with ST10

    You 350QX mainboard is the QX HW version V1. It has a poor receiver on the mainboard (reduced range). The little copper wire is the antenna. It has also the serial connection to plug in the USB adapter for FW updates. The FW version is not able to connect to GUI but you can update to FW V2 or V3...
  10. h-elsner

    Blade 350QX with ST10

    Sorry for late answer. I saw this today. First we need to check which version (old, new) of SR24 you got. Unfortunately there are different wire colors. Color codes are very strange at Yuneec HW. The SR24 replaces the Spectrum receiver. It uses all 4 wires insted of only 3 as Spectrum does...
  11. h-elsner

    holy stone hs720 rear B2 antenna wire

    Yes, this correct. And the same is valid if it is longer than lambla/4. The length shall match the wave length and wave length depends on frequency that is used for connection. br HE
  12. h-elsner

    holy stone hs720 rear B2 antenna wire

    The easiest kint of antenna is this coaxial antenna that looks like the picture above. The legth of the wire depends on frequency and its wave length lambda. B as well as A should have the length of lambda/4. The wire should have 31mm lenght for the 2.4GHz band. Sometimes it is shorter for...
  13. h-elsner

    HS 270 GPS How to Start

    Sometimes you have to wait for the first GPS lock for a longer timer. If the drone was far away before, it may take up to 15min. Then it feels "at home" and the next GPS locks will come fast. To start the motore many drones need GPS lock first. Be patient for the first time. br HE
  14. h-elsner

    Blade 350QX with ST10

    Now I found the original thread for the start-puls change: Google translator says: Le CGO2 ne peut pas être contrôlé par un récepteur normal qui envoie un signal dans la plage 1000us - 2000us...