Recent content by Darth Fader

  1. D

    SOLD: Holystone 720e available for parts only.

    All 4 arms and motors are good. Have a spare right front arm also. I have 4 batteries (2 original Holystone/2 aftermarket) that are good with low hours with original Holystone charger and after market charger that will charge 2 batteries at the same time. Transmitter is bad in drone. Make a...
  2. D

    HS720E WiFi Antenna Mod

    No it wouldn't do anything because the video is being received by the phone's internal antenna.
  3. D

    HS720E WiFi Antenna Mod

    My own stupidity. I was already happy with the distance I was capable of getting but wanted to focus on FPV performance next. So I was flying the HS720e with the new antennas on it and staring intently at my controller mounted tablet to see how stable the feed was and proceeded to fly it...
  4. D

    HS720E WiFi Antenna Mod

    Well so much for my mod. Crashed and pinched one of the coax connecting the new antennas and looks like it trashed the transmitter. Managed to get a maximum of 1759 m without FPV before it occurred. Looks like it's time for a Mini 2. LOL
  5. D

    HS720E WiFi Antenna Mod

    That's nice Freebird. 100 ft. is quite a large improvement percentage-wise over the stock configuration. I figured cloverleaf antennas would improve the FPV considering how much the HS720e tends to roll and pitch when maneuvering. I'll be sure to post some of my results also when I get the parts...
  6. D

    HS720E WiFi Antenna Mod

    I always do the same. Every issue I've ever had with my 720e occurred as soon as it lifted off, granted that only happened once or twice luckily. I still do not understand how Occusync can transmit anywhere near 10km if they are within FCC power limits. RF is RF the last time I checked.
  7. D

    HS720E WiFi Antenna Mod

    Sounds like the perfect time to do some looking around inside the drone. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  8. D

    HS720E WiFi Antenna Mod

    Hey Freebird, I'm pretty sure that the 2 lengths of coax that run the length of the back arms are the receive antennas connected to ANT1 & ANT2. I have not removed them from the arms to see if one is shorter than the other indicating different frequencies because I don't want to take a chance of...
  9. D

    HS720E WiFi Antenna Mod

    Thanks for the reply Freebird. I doubt you'll have any issues using any i-pex/u.fl connected antenna since you are still using the stock transmitter. I'm planning on using 2 6dbi dipoles connected the same as you have done but I also think I am going to vacuum form a new top housing to...
  10. D

    HS720E WiFi Antenna Mod

    I'm in the process of doing something similar to your project. Mind a question or two? What are the antennas connected to, ANT 1 & 2 on the mainboard or to the wifi transmitter below the battery compartment? I like the location you chose for the antenna placement, I didn't think of that and may...
  11. D

    HS720e Handheld transmitter shows 0 satellite

    Glad to hear it'll get sorted out. I'm new to drones myself and HolyStone has been very helpful the few times I've had any issues. They sent me a replacement arm to due to a weak motor.
  12. D

    HS720e Handheld transmitter shows 0 satellite

    It normally will take a few minutes for the drone to locate the satellites after doing the calibration routine. If the controller still shows 0 satellites outdoors after 3-4 minutes , I would suspect there is a hardware problem with the unit and contact HolyStone. They are pretty decent to deal...
  13. D

    Antenna Range extender

    If they fit and stay in place on the HolyStone controller's antenna there's no reason they won't. Remember only the left antenna on the controller is an actual antenna. The right one is a dummy.
  14. D

    HS720 range limits

    Based upon what my friend tells me about his DJI, that would probably do what you want but not as cheaply. This forum isn't official support for the manufacturers so I don't know what good any recommendations made here would do but feel free to if you'd like. EDIT: I now have a DJI Mini 2...
  15. D

    HS720 range limits

    Not without modifying your controller and drone. This is not legal I'm sure but since you EBay or Amazon for Sunhans RF amplifiers. You'll need a 2.4Ghz transmit & receive UAV amp for your controller and a 5.8Ghz transmit only UAV amp for your drone (for video streaming to your...