Recent content by Brutalwarpig

  1. B

    Transitioning from consumer drones

    Arris M900 frame. It came with the motors ESCs and propellers. I added the radio system, flight controller and camera/gimbal system and assembled/programmed it all.
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    Hello Everyone, Newbie here

    I agree with the recommendation of the DJI Air 3. Personally, I would also choose the RC2 remote controller. Most phone screens aren't bright enough to see the video feed if you're outside on a sunny day. The RC2 is bright and convenient. The Air 3 has all direction collision avoidance which...
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    Transitioning from consumer drones

    This is the fruition of my work so far.
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    Transitioning from consumer drones

    Sure. The starting point was an Arris M900 frame, motor, ESC, and propeller combo. I purchased my kit from RC Wing and it was $559. Next, you have to decide which firmware platform you want to use. The major options are ArduPilot (ArduCopter), PX4, Betaflight, and INAV. This is an important...
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    Glare on my cell phone

    Gfields is right. You will never be happy with a cell phone for a display. Cell phone screens are usually around 300 nits brightness. To be able to see the live video stream from your drone on a sunny day, 700nits brightness is the minimum. 1000 nits is better. Unfortunately, tablets with 1000...
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    New to the drone world.

    Welcome to the hobby. Unfortunately the Vivitar drone will be just good enough for you to want something better. It's happened to all of us. A sensible drone purchase so we can decide if we like drones that marks the beginning of a somewhat expensive hobby. I went from a first generation DJI...
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    Any FIMI drone is a big risk. FIMI's website talks about repairs and warranty work but try to find someone who has successfully had their drone repaired or had a warranty claim honored by FIMI during the last 3 years. You will have the same of success locating a real unicorn! FIMI's tech is...
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    Transitioning from consumer drones

    Did you have the custom drone built by someone else or did you build it yourself? I'm a professional industrial controls engineer. So I already had most of the skill sets needed to build my own large industrial drone. However, there are so many options and various ground station types and...
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    New Guy

    I've almost never heard anything negative about Potensic Atom drones. They even have service/replacement plans like DJI has. I'm pretty sure it's a good platform.
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    Toilet Bowl problems I think

    Try calibrating the accelerometers and compass. I've never owned a Holy Stone so this is just a guess. Does your remote have trim adjustments? A trim adjustment that's way off could cause what you are describing but it sounds like the IMU isn't acting right. Make sure you have the latest...
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    Newby Drone Flyer

    Welcome to our forum. I started with a DJI Mini first generation. Then I bought a Mini 3 Pro, a FIMI X8 Pro (junk) and my latest consumer drone is the DJI Air 3. However, now I build and fly large custom drones. Everyone on this site will help with any issues you may encounter. Happy flying!
  12. B

    Thanks for letting me in.

    So are you talking about the DJI Inspire or a custom build? If you fly large custom drones, I may be able to help if you have issues. I own several high quality consumer drones but I specialize in large custom platforms including high end camera builds. If I can be of any assistance feel free to...
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    Idaho New Guy

    I own a Mini 3 Pro and an Air 3. Both are rock solid platforms. Welcome.
  14. B

    tablet and drone issues

    I would try a different tablet and a different cable between tablet and remote. Aspect ratio may also be an issue.
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    Glare on my cell phone

    The main problem with cell phones for a screen is brightness, or lack thereof. I only use drones with built in screen remotes. One reason is I do not like connecting my phone to a Chinese remote and server. (Love the Chinese people but not their government). Secondly, you need a minimum of 700...