Inside USB-serial converter BLH7840


Active member
Jul 25, 2019
Reaction score
Illertissen, Bavaria, Germany
BLH7840 is a FT230X chip based USB <--> serial converter. It is used to connect the Blade 350QX to computer to update firmware and if firmware version 3 is flashed to connect it to GUI for diagnosis. The GUI can be downloaded here:

If the FT230 driver was installed correctly BLH7840t will appear in the device manager als serial interface once it is connected to USB (no need to connect to Blade at this time).

Here is BLH7840 open:


Remark: Masse means ground.

br HE
BLH7840 is a FT230X chip based USB <--> serial converter. It is used to connect the Blade 350QX to computer to update firmware and if firmware version 3 is flashed to connect it to GUI for diagnosis. The GUI can be downloaded here:

If the FT230 driver was installed correctly BLH7840t will appear in the device manager als serial interface once it is connected to USB (no need to connect to Blade at this time).
View attachment 37

Here is BLH7840 open:

View attachment 35
View attachment 36

Remark: Masse means ground.

br HE
I see the blh 7840 in my device configured with the proper driver but still cannot connect with my QX. It just goes around & round saying trying to connect. I do not know the port setting it requires as far s baud rate etc.
What firmware do you have on your Blade 350QX?

If you see the USB-serial converter in device manager assigned to a COM port driver and all this stuff are OK.

GUI works only with newer firmware. I do no more remember exactly. I'm sure it works with QX3 firmware but maybe also with 2.0. I have to dig deep to find the correct answer.

As COM properties I have this by default and it works:

br HE
What firmware do you have on your Blade 350QX?

If you see the USB-serial converter in device manager assigned to a COM port driver and all this stuff are OK.

GUI works only with newer firmware. I do no more remember exactly. I'm sure it works with QX3 firmware but maybe also with 2.0. I have to dig deep to find the correct answer.

As COM properties I have this by default and it works:
View attachment 142

br HE
I have the old firmware version but cannot update because the BLH 7840 does not connect.How to tell if you are connected if the GUI does not work?
I can not get new firmware because the BLH7840 will not connect for communication.
The device manager says device is working and driver is the proper one.I need to know exactly where to connect the cable to the QX
Sorry for (very) late answer. To update a QX with older FW you need the "BladeMultiRotorUpdateUtility". The GUi will only work with FW 350 QX3 Release.bin.
This is also possble with 350QX version 1.0. There you have a 4-pin connector for the USBtoSerial converter. The 350QX V2 has the same connector but there the Receiver is plugged in. You must unplug the receiver and use the connector for the USB-Serial.

If you cabn't find the BladeMultiRotorUpdateUtility anymore pls contact me again if you still need it.

br HE

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