Hi, name's here Andrzej but Andy will suffice, 53 YO, Photographer, HAM radio op, Gamer, ....and so on, also a drone Pilot, ( we are pilots aren't we?
Firts on was and still is DJI Avata fly more combo the second is Potensic Atom also as fly more combo. Like'em both just a shame on Potensic's camera but paying £270 for 3 batteries, drone, controller and charging dock wiping all the tears hahahahah

Firts on was and still is DJI Avata fly more combo the second is Potensic Atom also as fly more combo. Like'em both just a shame on Potensic's camera but paying £270 for 3 batteries, drone, controller and charging dock wiping all the tears hahahahah
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