Battery problem


New member
Aug 22, 2024
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Good afternoon. I'm facing a problem. DST01A battery from a Potensic Dreamer 4k drone, it has been lying unused for a year. Now when I connect the charger, the green LED blinks 3 times, then pause for 7 seconds and again blinks 3 times and so on endlessly. How can I solve this problem without buying a new one? Who knows to suggest? Perhaps someone has a schematic diagram of the battery power board.
Well I,m not a exspect but let me throw this out there and maybe
some more educated on this can chime in. I know lithium battery’s when the drain completely go into a sleep mode so
to speak. I know with hand tool lithium battery’s, when the drain from sitting some time, you can rejuvenate them from
taking another charged lithium battery & run two jumper leads
from + to + & -to - & leave them on a short time maybe a minute
or so. Then remove jumper & try your charger again. It has worked for me. Let us know if this helps.
Well I,m not a exspert but let me throw this out there and maybe
some more educated on this can chime in. I know lithium battery’s when the drain completely go into a sleep mode so
to speak. I know with hand tool lithium battery’s, when the drain from sitting some time, you can rejuvenate them from
taking another charged lithium battery & run two jumper leads
from + to + & -to - & leave them on a short time maybe a minute
or so. Then remove jumper & try your charger again. It has worked for me. Let us know if this helps.
Well I,m not a exspect but let me throw this out there and maybe
some more educated on this can chime in. I know lithium battery’s when the drain completely go into a sleep mode so
to speak. I know with hand tool lithium battery’s, when the drain from sitting some time, you can rejuvenate them from
taking another charged lithium battery & run two jumper leads
from + to + & -to - & leave them on a short time maybe a minute
or so. Then remove jumper & try your charger again. It has worked for me. Let us know if this helps.
I put the battery to charge directly through a laboratory power supply, nothing helped. The battery is swollen, found in a neighboring country, used battery, zakala, waiting. So far I have not been able to restore the old one, probably won't be able to, most likely it has gone to the next world.
I put the battery to charge directly through a laboratory power supply, nothing helped. The battery is swollen, found in a neighboring country, used battery, zakala, waiting. So far I have not been able to restore the old one, probably won't be able to, most likely it has gone to the next world.
If a lithium battery is swollen it is not only unusable, it is actually dangerous. Dispose of safely.
If a lithium battery is swollen it is not only unusable, it is actually dangerous. Dispose of safely.
Took it to the local supermarket, they have recycling garbage cans for batteries. It's scary to pick up.

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