Antenna enhancement


Active member
Dec 18, 2023
Reaction score
Vian Oklahoma
I ,m new but this mostly has been addressed. I just purchased Potensic atom 3 axes mini drone. I really like it, but still learning .
problem is it hard to fine info if you do not own a DJI, just because they out number the rest. This drone is NOT Wi-Fi unit. It
is a 2.4 ghz. Unit. I,m thinking about buying a parabolic antenna inhanser to it. Not so much for range but I live in a area that
is heavily wooded. I had a Wi-Fi unit before, that I lost a drone before I got this one. It was mostly my fault because it did have a
come back home feature, @ if I would have not panic when I lost signal it should have come back, but I pushed the come back
button but I beleave that may have turned it off if it had already gone into that mode. Any way do you think a parabolic ad on
antenna would help with all the forest. Then there is the other type yogi in 2.4 ghz would be better. Most of that type are 11.8
ghz but I did find some in 2.4 as my control is. i,m not a range freak, I try not to fly so far as to lose sight of my drone. It is just
all the trees here. I hope I made my self clear, I,m still a newbie.

Last edited:
I ,m new but this mostly has been addressed. I just purchased Potensic atom 3 axes mini drone. I really like it, but still learning .
problem is it hard to fine info if you do not own a DJI, just because they out number the rest. This drone is NOT Wi-Fi unit. It
is a 2.4 ghz. Unit. I,m thinking about buying a parabolic antenna inhanser to it. Not so much for range but I live in a area that
is heavily wooded. I had a Wi-Fi unit before, that I lost a drone before I got this one. It was mostly my fault because it did have a
come back home feature, @ if I would have not panic when I lost signal it should have come back, but I pushed the come back
button but I beleave that may have turned it off if it had already gone into that mode. Any way do you think a parabolic ad on
antenna would help with all the forest. Then there is the other type yogi in 2.4 ghz would be better. Most of that type are 11.8
ghz but I did find some in 2.4 as my control is. i,m not a range freak, I try not to fly so far as to lose sight of my drone. It is just
all the trees here. I hope I made my self clear, I,m still a newbie.

A parabolic antenna would not be the hot setup for several reasons: 2.4 gHz does just not penetrate foliage well, due to the water - which is why microwave ovens work. Also, the beamwidth of a parabolic is very narrow, and some sort of antenna tracker would be needed to keep the drone in the antenna pattern. US 915 mHz is a much better choice for penetrating foliage if you can deal with a longer antenna on both ends.
I know this doesn't help your situation specifically but if you should buy another drone in the future. I would be sure to find 2.4G to 5.8G unit and controller with intelligent frequency hopping and anti interference technology. DJI and Autel aren't the only ones out there with this tech. FIMI is a strong competitor specification wise. I would only buy from websites like Amazon or others that have a solid return policy. I have a FIMI X8 Pro and their TX10A controller. I am still struggling with some firmware issues that affect 4k video but other than that this drone has a fantastic build quality and great performance. On the downside the FAA is backlogged approving Declaration of Compliance certification for about 400 drone manufacturers including FIMI. Their drones do broadcast remote ID but getting them registered is a challenge.
l thought I saw a video in there review said the new Atom
had that same duel frequently. I know on the back it says
2.4 but let me look that & get back.

I sort of thought the same thing. I seriously considered getting an Atom before coming across a great deal on a Mini first generation. I almost wish I my first drone hadn't been a DJI product. The reason I say that is two fold. I tend to identify and support the "underdog". Be it sport teams or consumer drone manufacturers. DJI products are very refined. DJI has gone to great lengths to eliminate any glitches or UI problems. Other companies make good products but every other brand I've flown has some quirks or small issues that you just don't see in DJI products.
I agree with every thing you said. I was just about to pull the plug on the Mini 2. But the thing that changed my choice at
the end, was the Atom had the three axes 4 k Sony camera.
It also has a few more features that the mini did not. The mini
Has more distance & that was important some what, but in the end I went with the Atom. I,m really happy with it so far. It is
very easy to fly & the video is top notch. But this will not be
my last drone.

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