Recent content by WTFDproject

  1. WTFDproject

    Calibrating ST10 and ST10+ Flight Control Board

    Most cases of erratic behavior and unwanted bias in the ST10 Hardware Monitor are caused by contamination, corrosion or wear in the affected controllers themselves. But not always. If you replace your flight control board, or if the board gets out of calibration for any reason, it will show up...
  2. WTFDproject

    ST10+ Firmware update instructions

    The attached document was developed to assist a member needing instructions for updating ST10+ firmware. The document is easier to use than the standard instructions that come with the firmware, so it is posted here for anyone that may need it in the future. The document is currently provided...
  3. WTFDproject

    Binding Verification - ST10+ / Chroma

    There is guidance already available that describes the routine binding of the ST10+ to the Blade Chroma. A routine binding is much easier to perform, and is more appropriate if you are not having problems. The purpose of this "Binding Verification" is to address abnormal conditions that are...
  4. WTFDproject

    Carolina Foothills

    Yup. Actually closer to 50. Started with one. Bought a "parts only" to fix it after a crash. Then decided to fix the "parts only", so I bought another "parts only", and it just kept going until I started messing with Q500s. Nobody ever said I have good sense.
  5. WTFDproject

    Carolina Foothills

    Enjoy working on Drones. Current stable is one Typhoon H, half dozen or so Q500s, a couple Chroma, more than 40 Blade 350QX, and a few other odds and ends.