Recent content by tester73

  1. T

    720E which antenna works

    On the right is a fake. If you look carefully, you will see a thin cable at the base of the antenna running inside the antenna body. Where it is not there, there is no antenna.
  2. T

    HS 720 control

    In general, most operators work in Mode2 as standard. But if you want Mode1, you can try it. To do this, press the "Lock/Unlock" button on the remote control, turn on the power switch, after the sound signal, release the "Lock/Unlock" button and press the "Return to Home" button while holding it...
  3. T

    HS 720 control

    I may not understand you correctly, but check which mode you have enabled on your remote control: Mode1 or Mode2. Must be Mode2.
  4. T

    Need help with HS720-4K drone setup

    It's simple. Different ranges. Your LG L322DL phone only works on the 2.4 GHz WiFi band, and your HS720-4K quadcopter only works on the 5 GHz WiFi band.
  5. T

    HS700E WiFi problem

    As far as I know, there is no such reset there.
  6. T

    HS700E WiFi problem

    To do this, you need any phone that has a WIFI range of 5GGz (802.11ac). If the phone only has 2.4 GGz, then it will not work.
  7. T

    Battery Charge Amps

    Ну да, видимо у этого аккумулятора внутри есть контроллер заряда. Не знаю, что там за контроллер, но обычно они все не допускают превышения напряжения и тока зарядки. Я бы подключил аккумулятор к адаптеру, который есть в наличии (2,4A) через USB-тестер и посмотрел, какой будет ток заряда. Если у...
  8. T

    Battery Charge Amps

    Here is the charger for the HS700E, if I'm not mistaken.
  9. T

    Battery Charge Amps

    You need to clarify which model you are talking about. If about the HS700E, then it comes with a charging unit. And it’s not clear how you are going to connect the USB cable to the battery. For the HS210F there should also be a small charging unit connected to the 5V adapter. The batteries...
  10. T

    Battery Charge Amps

    The manufacturer apparently warned about custom chargers, where the charging current can exceed 2A. In the stock charging unit, the charging current is limited automatically. Therefore, it does not matter what current the network adapter has. You can safely use your 5V to 2.4A adapter. The...
  11. T

    How to find a dodgy motor

    Remove all blades, start engines. A faulty motor will make a different noise than the others. It may vibrate.
  12. T

    720/E - fast charging possible?

    Pin 5 is used for charging only. It is not used to power the drone.
  13. T

    Power Loss

    The point is not the level of the charge, but the real battery capacity. The capacity could decrease.
  14. T

    Power Loss

    This looks like a battery problem.
  15. T

    720/E - fast charging possible?

    1,2,3 - "-" (minus) 4 - "NC" (not connected) 5 - "middle point" (plus 3,7v) 6,7,8 - "+" (plus 7,4V)