Recent content by quadrotor

  1. quadrotor

    Dji Phantom 2 + Zenmuse H3-3D gimbal

    Gimbal is almost brand new, has upgraded remote flys great, could use a new shell though. $200.00 + shipping. Also has spare props and such.
  2. quadrotor

    London Bridge Lake Havasu City, Az

    what drone did you use?
  3. quadrotor

    Free Inspire 1*

    How did it happen?
  4. quadrotor

    my drone

    i have a DJI Phantom 2.
  5. quadrotor

    Looking for crashed/broken or just unwanted drones

    I'm looking for crashed unwanted drones i will pay shipping. If you have an unwanted drone please give it to me instead of throwing it away. :)
  6. quadrotor


    i'm curently flying a bare p2 don't have anything else:(
  7. quadrotor

    Hey all!

    Whoops typo it should say OWN a p4.
  8. quadrotor

    Hey all!

    @Guy Sclafani you should join phantom pilots to since you a p4.;)
  9. quadrotor

    Love my Blade 350QX

    I've never had one But looks neat?
  10. quadrotor

    New Player Coming To Town----MJXRC MEW 4-1

    Looks kinda like the mavic.
  11. quadrotor


    There obviously isn't many people here yet though are there?
  12. quadrotor


    Saw this was a new drone forum so I'd check it out I'm usually on phantompilots though cause that's what I've got.