Recent content by LoudThunder

  1. LoudThunder

    Newbie drone pilot from Oregon, USA

    Here is a posting I made a few years ago and I still endorse the training from the Pilot Institute. Here is the link to all the courses they offer for drones, many are free, and the all of their...
  2. LoudThunder

    Newbie drone pilot from Oregon, USA

    Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. As a New Drone Pilot, there are a couple of Legal Things you may need to do… If you have not already done so, you will need to get your TRUST Certificate. You can get that at the Pilot Institute Web Site (FREE…). Your Drone weighs less...
  3. LoudThunder

    New Here!

    Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. Well, welcome aboard!
  4. LoudThunder

    Been flying since Christmas

    I also google this and it appears that you can only control the tilt speed by controlling your thumb on the tilt wheel, just thumb it slower… One of my friends when I lived in Arizona was Leroy Godden, He was in his late 70s and he was classified as a "Pioneer" a citizen who was born when...
  5. LoudThunder

    Been flying since Christmas

    Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. Nice video, I am glad you are happy with your HS. As you mentioned there is a lot of bad press and as you read through the various postings from HS flyers, one thing that stick out is the lack of support when you do have an issue…. At...
  6. LoudThunder

    New to forum.

    Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. I ma sorry but I do not have a solutions. A few suggestions, but that's it. Delete the app on your phone (or other device) make sure your device is not loaded down with a whole bunch of extraneous apps. Delete or save all old music or...
  7. LoudThunder

    Mini Pro 4

    Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. I would advise you to research this in YouTube and you will see which worked and if there was any special issues to get them to work with the Mini 4 Pro… Good Luck!
  8. LoudThunder

    Hello from Newbie Drone Pilot in Scotland

    This is a posting I made several years ago on a Sister Web Site, "MavicPilots," and I am still using that same San Disk today (literally today…) Glad I could be of help. I have also bought knock off...
  9. LoudThunder

    Hello from Newbie Drone Pilot in Scotland

    Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. Unfortunately, MicroSD Cards are a micro piece of hardware and have no moving parts. Many reasons can make a card go bad: physical damage (like bending, dropping, or water exposure), improper removal from a device, extreme temperatures...
  10. LoudThunder

    Is this a good place to ask business questions?

    I imagine it all depends on the pilot. Since the Part 107 Certification does not requires a "Driver's test..." there are folks who have the 107, but no drone... Keep all controllers in the same mode and practice, practice until you fly with muscle memory. Otherwise, just be glad that a GPS...
  11. LoudThunder

    Is this a good place to ask business questions?

    Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. I would not say that this web site is a bad site to ask you questions, as many members are also professionals who are also in the business, but each one, each location, is uniquely unique… With that being said, "What's good for the Goose...
  12. LoudThunder

    Hello from Chris

    Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. Since you live in Kosovo, there are specific laws and rules for you to follow, please check to ensure these are current. Another member is flying a HolyStone and here is a link to their experiences…...
  13. LoudThunder

    **Must Read** - Singapore - Register & Know the Rules Before Flight or Risk Stiff Penalties!!

    Thank you for the information, so how did it turn out for you?
  14. LoudThunder

    Hello pilots - hello from LCJ / POLAND

    Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. Since you live in Poland, there are specific laws and rules for you to follow, please check to ensure these are current. Even if you have flown Drones before, here is some Good Old Fashion...
  15. LoudThunder

    Hello from Eastvale

    Welcome from the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. You did write that you were still fairly new to flying so please excuse my, perhaps over the top, notes, but you would be surprised at the folks who are studying for the 107, but have yet to acquire the TRUST and have no intention to...