Recent content by Lachlan12787

  1. Lachlan12787

    Flight Controller Help

    Hello, yes that is the old APM copter controller. the best way to go with these is download mission planner then get arducopter onto it. There is the ardupilot forums which have everything to know about setting it up :) Cheers
  2. Lachlan12787

    4DRC-M1 Mark300

    i doubt it will be 5g. more like 5.8ghz for the VTX (video) and 2.4ghz for the TX (radio transmitter). it may use wifi for the video. its hard to tell Cheers
  3. Lachlan12787

    Jjrc epik props

    So far i have not been able to find anything :( BUT if you can send the length of the prop (inches) or find any writing at all it might help. Even if you have to buy an aftermarket prop and modify it to fit. Cheers
  4. Lachlan12787

    Antenna boosters

    Hello, if you are doing building inspections you might want to look into setup radio relay instead of a "booster". I would also suggest doing a custom build instead of a phantom 4 lol. BTW, why not fly one side of the building and then go to the other side ;) cheers
  5. Lachlan12787

    Drones for power lines

    Hello, there are some problems with power line checks. 1. compass can be highly effected by the power lines. 2. safety now with the side of cert. 1. you may be able to do this under the part 107 license if you get the necessary approvals 2. i am unaware of the criteria but if i find any i will...
  6. Lachlan12787

    What aircraft do you fly?

    i would like to see the build!
  7. Lachlan12787

    What aircraft do you fly?

    ah yes the Yuneec
  8. Lachlan12787

    Accuracy of drone related weather sites?

    I use the TAF (terminal area forcast) < real whether reading from airports (you can find it on your governing body's aviation website, for me its CASA)
  9. Lachlan12787

    What aircraft do you fly?

    could build your own....
  10. Lachlan12787

    Wall Printing Drone

    it must be using an in house geo loactioning setup so it can fly the pattern by itself. definitely not using DJI cheers
  11. Lachlan12787

    Wall Printing Drone

    1. thats not a DJI lol. 2. its an X8 (octo quad) 3. it will not be using anything DJI cheers :)
  12. Lachlan12787

    Unable to trim quadcopter

    yeah sadly that is about all you can do. maybe a manual for the model? cheers
  13. Lachlan12787

    CAA Registration

    This should not be a problem at all. Also just get in contact with the CAA ( for me its CASA) cheers :)
  14. Lachlan12787


    Thats good for DJI use. For me I use APM planner to view my logs and mission planner to setup my UAV's. So how much data do you get from your DJI? I can get eveything the flight controller records, right down to barrametric pressures and vibrations within the UAV and it just goes on and on...
  15. Lachlan12787

    Unable to trim quadcopter

    hello, does it have GPS? and what software are you running? cheers