Recent content by jwhite

  1. J

    HS 440 repair propellor question

    I had one come off as well. I pushed the little white plastic sleeve onto the motor shaft as far as I could, then tightened the screw on the propellor assembly. I was able to push the propellor assembly on far enough that the white sleeve did not show. It seemed to work, the drone flies OK...
  2. J

    broken screw won't come out

    Problem solved. The screw did not break, but came detached from a plastic sleeve that grips it on one end, and grips the motor shaft on the other. Once I figured that out, I was able to reattach the screw and propellers, and it seems to fly fine.
  3. J

    broken screw won't come out

    Hello all I recently received a Holy Stone 400 as a gift. Alas, on a flight the drone hit the side of the house, and broke off one of the screws holding the propellers. The head of the screw broke off, leaving the base of the screw imbedded into the motor shaft. I cannot seem to get the screw...