Recent content by glieb

  1. G

    Holystone HS710 uncontrollable.

    I had the exact scenario described above happen the second time I launched mine. Damaged one of the propeller arms when it crashed. I replaced it myself (HS supplied under warranty) but it was quite a job soldering and unsoldering all the wires. I do think that having the phone in "airplane...
  2. G


    To clear up some confusion here, the transmitter uses 2.4 GHZ wifi. The CAMERA uses 5 Ghz Wifi. You DO NOT NEED a new 5G phone. 5 G phones have nothing to do with the wifi they support. 5G phones mean 5th Generation , not 5 Ghz.
  3. G

    HS720G cell phone holder

    So why not share the answer with the rest of us?
  4. G

    New Holy Stone HS-720 owner

    On my HS710 it’s both joysticks down and to the right , as in 5 o’clock.
  5. G

    New Holy Stone HS-720 owner

    HS recommends calibration as a preflight check. That doesn’t mean recalibrating each time yo land in the same battery session, but when the battery gets removed, as in a battery swap, I always recal.
  6. G

    I want to turn off Beginner Mode

    I am trying to turn off "beginner mode". I know I can move the slider to do that, but after I set my preferred parameters, how do I CONFIRM them? An earlier email in this section says that after you set them and CONFIRM them they are saved until next use. But how EXACTLY are they CONFIRMED?
  7. G

    Antennas on drones

    A general question about drone antennas, although mine is a Holy Stone HS710. Since I had to recently do a repair on my drone, I note that there are antenna cables (coaxial) extending into the drone arms. Are those for GPS or are those for communication to the handheld controller? The drone...
  8. G

    New from Columbus OH

    Holy Stone HS710 not by choice but my son-in-law bought it and I crashed it! Repaired. See details in Holy Stone Thread category. --Gary L.
  9. G

    First time experience with HS710

    It is nice to know and quite valuable to know that the "toilet" effect is recoverable by turning off GPS. If I had only known... Hopefully this will also help someone else.
  10. G

    First time experience with HS710

    I've just been through a trying experience with my first drone (HS710). Actually it was my son in law's drone, but he told me I knew more than he does about electronics so he wanted me to read the manual and test it first. I did 2 short successful test flights then invited him over to "train"...