Recent content by Ed from Bama

  1. E

    Flying my Holystone 600- again

    Good morning to all- so last evening I got a wild hair and decided I would crank up my Holystone 600- a beast of a drone, to be sure- since I have not flown it very much at all since I obtained my DJI Mini 2 drones- but set that to one side. It became apparent that I needed to recharge all...
  2. E

    Looking like I'm gonna end up keeping and Flying my HS-720.

    Good morning to all- I have the HS 720 and 720 e drones. Both are good, functional drones within their limits. I also have 2 Mini 2 drones, and I fly them and let the Holystones sit in their cases. the difference in flight, control, range, and photo/video quality is very great. And the Mini...
  3. E

    Holy Stone HS720e

    Good morning to all- I can't say that I have had similar problems with my Holystone drones. Are you sure you have your drone set to GPS and not the non- GPS setting? You don't need to get a $1000 drone to have steady position hold. spend $400 on a DJI Mini 2 and you'll have absolute...
  4. E

    Newbie: how do I buy Holystone parts?

    Good morning to all- Well, Brother, unless you can obtain parts from Holystone itself, i don't know where you might find the part you need. Holystones are good drones to learn on- not too expensive and some of the models fly and do photo work pretty well. when you start looking at drones for...
  5. E

    Any other HS 600 owners here?

    Good morning to all- I have this drone and I like it quite well- within its limits. It does have a very good long distance range, and its photography is acceptable. However, I find that the controls are "gimpy" and the drone does not always respond to the controls as I want it to do. I find a...
  6. E

    Wifi wont connect HS720e

    Good morning to all- Well, Brother, I'd say that your crash did something internal- broke a connection, jarred a wire- there are lots of things that could have happened. the fact that everything works with another drone of the same type seems to indicate to me that there;'s something wrong with...
  7. E

    Flying a Holy Stone HS720E offshore from a boat

    Good morning to all- Droneo- The gimbal cap is a clear plastic protective device which fits over the lens of the camera. It snaps off with pressure from your thumb. It is curved and fits onto the front end of the drone. If it is still on the drone, it just might produce the effects you are...
  8. E

    New guy from Gulf Coast

    Dawg- that would be fine. I think the reason not much has been posted about the HS600 is that Holy Stone has not pushed its release and made it overly easy to find and obtain. To my knowledge, the HS600 is the biggest and best drone Holystone makes, but for whatever reason, the company has not...
  9. E

    Flying a Holy Stone HS720E offshore from a boat

    good morning to all- I have launched my HS 720 e from a boat at anchor. Worked well. I expect your launch problem is related to boat movement making calibration difficult/impossible. Please let us know if you get a solution figured out- I want to take my drone out on the water for some photos...
  10. E

    New guy from Gulf Coast

    Dawgbone- Good evening. First, the HS600 is a big, powerful drone. I recommend your first efforts to be done in cine mode - or slow mode- at any rate, the slowest operating mode the drone has. Get used to the controls and see how the drone reacts to your directions. I also recommend your first...
  11. E

    Overhead shot- redfish

    Good morning to all- My son and I took the old wooden skiff out to the bayou with a bucket of live shrimp- redfish was the target. My son hooked a nice one, so I sent my HS 720E up. Battery was low, so I didn't have much flying time. I did get a few shots. I need to work on exposure to keep the...
  12. E

    Newbie Question

    Good morning to all- Brother, I have no idea if the surrounding system being 5G makes any difference at all. My control phone is not sim card equipped and does not connect with any phone service- it just runs the drone and that's it. Sorry- I don't know the tech- I just push the switches up and...
  13. E

    Newbie Question

    Good evening to all- The drone communicates with the controller via wifi. there are different types of wifi, and they offer different levels of good control at distance. I have a HS 700E, and its connection distance varies greatly- by day and by location, Don't take the control distances...
  14. E

    New wanna be!

    Good evening to all- To the OP- Brother, I feel you have purchased yourself quite a bit of trouble trying to learn to fly a drone with a busted drone. I fear it may cost you more to repair this drone and put it in flying condition than a new, functional HS drone would. One of the lower-cost HS...
  15. E

    New Guy from Gulf coast

    Good afternoon- Just found this forum. I am an outdoor writer using my drones for aerial shots for my articles. I fly some Holystones and a DJI Mini 2. I'm looking forward to exchanging information with the folks here. good day to all- Ed