Recent content by Brettonboy

  1. Brettonboy

    Model Boats

    Hi there, I am a 77 year old retired carpenter and during Lock Down, I started making model RC boats to stay safe and occupied. These are now sailing and I thought a camera drone would be a far better way of getting some videos of these boats "on the water" Bought a Qinux K8 and now trying not...
  2. Brettonboy

    geriatric needs help needing an app for Qinux Drone K8 - I have a Samsung J36 - I have no idea which are the good apps and which are poor

    As a 77 year old geriatric I had the same problem. The correct app for the K8 is KY UFO by cooingdv in Android Play Store for the UK. In my User Maunal there is a Fractal Code to download it. When you have the app, look for FLOW**** on the list of near-by wifi systems on your "Settings - WiFi"...