Recent content by Agustine

  1. Agustine

    New Player Coming To Town----MJXRC MEW 4-1

    I'm pretty sure the props show up because of the wider FOV, kind of like a GoPro
  2. Agustine

    New Player Coming To Town----MJXRC MEW 4-1

    Looks like a Parrot Anafi, but it is an MJXRC MEW 4-1 with similar body color to a DJI Mavic 2 MJX R/C 2019 New Series Brushless Drone MEW4-1 Ebay price US $289.99 Camera can point 90 degrees up and down. Films in 2K to a micro SD card. Tiny brushless motors. No gimbal but has vibration...
  3. Agustine

    Dead part of the forum

    The very first section of the MJX RC section ( MJX RC Discussions ) does not allow you to make a post. No place to add a tittle for a post.
  4. Agustine

    Hello From Ontario Canada

    Yuneec, Autel and the Parrot Anafi
  5. Agustine

    Hello From Ontario Canada

    Just outside of Thunder Bay.
  6. Agustine

    Hello From Ontario Canada

    Agustine checking in