Crazy story from this after noon flying my friend drone🫣🤢


Active member
Dec 18, 2023
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Vian Oklahoma
I retired here in eastern okla on the most gorgeous lake in eastern okla. I live 5 minutes from the dam. I have wanted to
Take my drone by the dam & shoot some video for some time. So I thought today would be a great day. Got set up
Parking off where I could be look down to the forest below with the limestone cliffs & all. Well I lowered the drone just
below the dam road where I could film look down at the forest be low. With the drone about 100 yards horizontal from
we’re was standing I saw what I thought was a turkey buzzard flying across dam road coming from behind me. We have
Hundreds of them that roost there year round. It was gliding as in came in between me & my drown maybe 50 yards from me
& 50 yards from the drone. As he slowly guided by, I thought he has a white head, white tail, & a curved orange beak. Panic !
😬 Balled Eagle!!! Looking for food! My drone I just let it hover where it was. It kept gliding on past the cliff I was standing
on waited there a few minutes in hope is he gone. Then I thought,🤔 maybe another day. I kept thinking about that comercal
On tv of that girl having her cell phone taken from her hand, by a eagle & following him in her SUV till he puts it in his nest.🤗

Believe me birds of pray really do this. Hope you enjoyed me sharing this with you! 🪰Fly
I had a red tailed hawk attack my mini 3. Fortunately I saw the hawk and somehow out maneuvered it. Since a drone can move in ways a bird cannot. As the hawk approached my drone, (in sport mode) I went from hover to climb. That hawk had to be confused by the "bird" that could hover then climb straight up. Anyway the hawk just kept going and didn't turn around. I guess he figured that he'd made his point. Drones rarely win fights with birds. I got lucky.
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I hear you, that’s funny. But could you still stay that composed
If it had been a huge balled Eagle. Thank GOD he kept going for
I was about to have a heart attack. I started doing some research on balled eagles & they said they will most likely move
on some at the end of April. It maybe because our lake will be
Getting the summer crowd coming to the lake. I will try it again
I've had an Osprey go for my cycling computer. Came right down on my handlebars. Scary moment with wings flapping and all. He stalked me for awhile taking off and landing in the railing if the causeway bridge. I finally detached the computer and tossed it over the railing and he snatched it mid air. Likely the sun glinting off the flat plate glass caught his attention.
Wow! That would be an experience! Can't believe you threw away your phone or whatever device it was. I guess it would be better than having your eyes scratched out! Lol
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I hear you, that’s funny. But could you still stay that composed
If it had been a huge balled Eagle. Thank GOD he kept going for
I was about to have a heart attack. I started doing some research on balled eagles & they said they will most likely move
on some at the end of April. It maybe because our lake will be
Getting the summer crowd coming to the lake. I will try it again
Was it an eagle with huge balls or a huge bald eagle?
I’ve had bother with seagulls magpies and crows I just scoot up vertical return towards my position drop a 100ft if I can then scoot up vertical again rinse and repeat land as quickly as possible.

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